This cat breed is popular because of its round body and easy-to-train intelligence. You cannot ignore the Manx cat breed if you want to adopt a family companion.
Join to learn more about the Manx cat breed’s origin, characteristics, and care below.
The History and Origin of the Manx Cat
Manx cats are popularly raised in the Isle of Man – England. Currently, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the history and origin of this animal. According to experts, this cat originates from the Isle of Man.
The distinguishing feature of the Manx cat is its short tail. Did you know behind their tails is a long story? Many cat owners believe that their tails are the result of crossbreeding between cats and rabbits. Besides there is also a legend that Manx Cat lost his tail because the door of Noah’s ark was clamped.
However, in 2013, scientists researched and gradually proved the origin of this special appearance. Their bobtails are made up of 4 pairs of mutant genes.
University of Missouri (Columbia) cat expert Leslie Lyons went to the home of the Manx cat. He proceeded to take genetic samples of cats to study to find out the reason. The results showed that all the cat’s genes here were mutated, causing the condition of the tail.
Appearance characteristics of the Manx cat
The first feature to recognize the purebred Manx cat is its short, short tail. This cat has a round body; each adult weighs 4-6 kg. Another feature is that their hind legs are always longer than the front legs. This is also the reason why people think they were bred with rabbits.

Manx cat.
As a mutated cat, Manx Cat has many different coat colors: Com, brown, yellow, white, black, tabby, etc. The hair length of each cat is also different.
Among the bobtail cats is the Japanese Bobtail, often confused with the Manx. To distinguish between these two cat breeds is not difficult; usually, the Japanese Bobtail cat has a slimmer body than the Manx Cat.
The Manx Cat’s head is quite round; the tail is round, and the body is chubby and cute. The back length of this cat breed is quite short in arc. The front legs of the bobtail cat are quite small, shorter than the hind legs, with an average height of 25 – 38cm.
Besides, the Manx Cat’s mouth and nose are short and small. The ears are always erect. The tail is quite similar to a deer dog’s when cut from a young age. Some storks model cartilage in the tail or prominent vertebrae. The coat of this cat breed is quite soft and easy to care for.
Manx cat personality traits
As soon as you see the Manx cat, you will be captivated by the gentle, cute, and extremely attached personality. This cat breed is popular in many families because they know how to “flatter” their owners. When keeping the Manx cat in the family, you will feel the following characteristics of the Manx cat:
Vibrant, active
This cat breed does not like to lie idle in one place but loves to run, jump, and be active every day. They can spend hours hanging around their owners. Even when you are busy, they will find a way to play on their own.
Manx bobtail cat freely plays with pet toys or chases other animals. You can rest assured when letting your cat play with dogs or children, but it needs to be carefully supervised.
Not afraid of water
Most pet cats are shy and afraid to come into contact with water. Meanwhile, the Manx bobtail cat is extremely brave. They often find puddles to play in, which makes it easy for owners to bathe their cats regularly.
Fun, friendly people
The hind legs of this breed are extremely strong, so they love to jump high. While moving, they often tend to dance very cutely. In addition, when interacting with strangers, the Manx bobtail cat is quite friendly and does not ruffle or run away from anyone.
Smart, fast training
A plus about the personality of Manx cats is that they are quite intelligent, curious, and quick to learn. Owners can easily take care of and train cats with many games or special movements.
Not picky eaters
The Manx Bobtail does not require a strict diet. However, owners need to feed them enough nutrients for the cat to grow and develop healthily.
Some common diseases in Manx cats
Manx cats can suffer from a number of diseases related to the tail. They have a tail deficiency disorder called Manx or Manxness syndrome. Therefore, owners need to pay attention to this issue to regularly take the cats for periodic health check-ups.
This cat breed also often suffers from bladder, digestive system, and intestinal diseases. Especially when the owner feeds improperly. Cats are prone to diarrhea, constipation, growth retardation, etc., when they eat less and drink less water.
Some Manx cats can have skin diseases, parasites, ear-nose-throat diseases, similar to ordinary cats. These diseases must be noticed and checked yearly for early detection and timely treatment.
However, common diseases in Manx cats are entirely preventable and treatable. To minimize illness in your pet, you should take your cat to the veterinarian for a health check and Vaccination deworming for cats periodically every year.
How to care for and train Manx cats
When raising Manx cats in the family, you do not have to worry about care problems because they are quite easy to take care of. This cat does not require too much nutrition and physical activity.
Diet for cats Manx
For your cat to grow and develop healthily, you should give your cat adequate food. Use fresh food, and prepare and cook it thoroughly before feeding it to your pet. Each day, you should eat 2-3 main meals, alternating snacks suitable for the age and health of the cat.
Meals should be varied, with adequate fiber, starch, vitamins, protein, etc. Limit feeding the Manx cat hot, spicy, greasy, or stinky, unsafe food. You should choose quality products if you feed your cat nutritional, seeds canned pate. The products provides is a good suggestion:
Be careful not to overfeed your cat during the day. Because the Manx bobtail cat is prone to obesity, inactivity, and prone to diseases caused by the owner’s indulgence, it should be carefully considered.
Bathing and hygiene Manx cats
The Manx cat has a not-too-long coat, so you don’t have to take care of it too much. For cats in a clean house, you should only bathe a maximum of 1 time/week. It should be cleaned if the cat is allowed to play outside or come into contact with mud or dirty water.
You should not bathe for too long when bathing your cat, even though this cat loves to play with water. Use a specialized shower gel and rinse thoroughly. Then, dry and dry the cat’s fur so that the cat does not catch a cold.
You should periodically brush the Manx cat once a week to remove hair loss. Do not forget to trim the nails, ear sockets, and eyes to keep the cat smelling clean.
Daily hygiene problems
Like other cats, the Manx Cat often goes to the bathroom and has a bad smell due to its diet. Therefore, owners need to choose a type of toilet sand with a mild fragrance to avoid allergies to cats and people.
With a new cat brought home, you should put the sand bowl in a cool, discreet place. This helps the cat get into the habit of going to the toilet in the right place. Every day, you should clean up your pet’s urine and waste. In addition, it is recommended to clean the sand bowl to avoid bacteria multiplying and affecting the health of the cat.
How to train Manx cats
The Manx cat breed is extremely playful, active, and energetic, so you just need to spend time playing with them regularly. Every day, you can train your cat to learn simple tricks to make the bond between you and your pet closer.
The price of Manx cat on the market today
Currently, on the pet market, very few places sell purebred Manx cats. In some European countries and the UK, this breed is popular and sold at the following prices:
Manx kittens, without sufficient documents to prove the genealogy, usually cost 3,000 to 5,000 USD/cat.
The price ranges from 5,000 – 8,000 USD for Manx cats with full documents and quality assurance.
Manx kittens bred and sold in the Isle of Man are expensive, ranging from $10,000 or more.
You must pay extra shipping costs to buy a Manx Cat imported from Europe. Besides, female Manx cats are of reproductive age; a good pedigree often costs more than males. Therefore, you need to consider choosing a cat that fits your budget for better care.
When raising Manx cats in the family, you need to pay attention not to let them breed together. Because this is a mutant cat, the odds of kittens being born die immediately or are difficult to develop normally.
*Note: When buying Manx Cat, please refer to a reputable pet store specializing in importing and distributing reputable pets. Do not believe in advertising or advertising Manx cats with low cost to avoid buying the wrong cat of poor quality.