Home Cats Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

Small cats are beloved as popular pets due to their compact size and cute features. They typically weigh between 5 and 10 pounds.

Here are descriptions of the top 10 smallest cat breeds, including information on weight, height, characteristics, and lifespan:

1. Singapura Cat

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 4-8 lbs
  • Height: Approximately 6-8 inches
  • Characteristics: The Singapura is a small, playful, affectionate cat breed. They have a short, ticked coat and almond-shaped eyes. Singapura cats are known for their friendly and social nature.
  • Lifespan: 11-15 years

Weighing a mere 4-8 pounds, the Singapura cat claims the top spot on our list of 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World. These short-haired felines typically sport a sable brown coat with dark-tipped tails. Like many of their smaller counterparts, they exhibit curiosity, high energy levels, and a strong bond with their human companions.

Some believe this breed hails from Singapore, as evidenced by their name, “Singapura,” derived from the Malaysian term for the city-state. However, there is uncertainty about the exact origins of the Singapura, but the people of Singapore have warmly embraced them. In Malay, the words “cat” and “love” combine to form their special name for the Singapura, “kucinta,” a fitting tribute to their affectionate nature.

2. Dwelf Cat

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 4-9 lbs
  • Height: 5-7 inches
  • Characteristics: The Dwelf cat is a tiny, unique breed with distinctive short legs.
  • They have folded ears, a hairless or nearly hairless body, and a friendly and outgoing personality.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years

Our second small, the Dwelf cat, boasts a distinct appearance hinted at by its name. In common with most dwarf cats, the Dwelf’s hind legs are marginally longer than its forelegs, an attribute inherited from the Munchkin breed. Fully grown, these cats can tip the scales at 4-9 lbs and measure up to half the size of an average cat.

The name “Dwelf” is a clever fusion of “dwarf” and “elf,” reflecting the cat’s short stature and its distinctive elf-like, curled ears. If your family is searching for a hypoallergenic companion that craves cuddles and care, the Dwelf is the perfect choice!

3. Munchkin Cat

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 5-9 lbs
  • Height: 6-9 inches
  • Characteristics: Munchkin cats are known for their short legs, resulting from a genetic mutation. They have playful and outgoing personalities and come in various coat colors and patterns.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years

Which cat has the whimsical habit of sitting on its haunches like a meerkat, darts about like a rabbit, and boasts the physique reminiscent of a sausage dog? Why, it’s the Munchkin cat, of course! Our third in the top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds may resemble other creatures in certain aspects, but there’s no denying the charm of these endearing and gentle kitties. Their short legs in no way impede the vitality of these energetic, 5-9 pound bundles of affection!

4. Napoleon Cat (Minuet Cat)

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 5-9 lbs
  • Height: 6-9 inches
  • Characteristics: The Napoleon cat is a small breed with short legs. They have a sweet and affectionate disposition and may have either long or short hair.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years

Our next small cat comes in various colors and patterns; its fur can range from long to short. However, there’s one thing it can never be: tall! Meet the Napoleon cat, a relatively new breed developed in recent years, stemming from the Munchkin lineage (we’ll delve into the Munchkin further when we reach our number three ranking). Like its namesake, the Napoleon may be short in stature, but it certainly doesn’t possess a diminutive personality. This 5-9 pound cat, also known as the “Minuet,” excels in cuddling and play, holding its own among the best.

5. Bambino Cat

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 5-9 lbs
  • Height: 7-9 inches
  • Characteristics: Bambino cats are a hairless breed with short legs. They are affectionate, sociable, and known for their friendly demeanor.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years

The Bambino, a small cat, is the product of a unique crossbreeding between the Sphynx and Munchkin breeds, often classified as a dwarf breed. Despite their petite stature, these felines are incredibly social and extroverted!

This cat breed is relatively recent, and there’s still much to discover about them. Their development has sparked a fair share of controversies and debates.

6. Devon Rex

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 6-9 lbs
  • Height: 9-10 inches
  • Characteristics: The Devon Rex has a distinctive curly coat and large ears. They are known for their playful, mischievous, and highly sociable nature.
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years

The Devon Rex cat may appear as if it could be the long-lost sibling of our eighth-ranked cat, the Cornish Rex, but as far as records show, their direct commonality lies in their British heritage and similar appearances. Weighing in at 6-9 pounds, the Devon Rex sports pure white fur with delicate curls that require special care. Even its whiskers are remarkably fragile and prone to breakage. However, its disposition is anything but delicate! This fun-loving and active feline enjoys frolicking and entertaining its human companions.

7. American Curl

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 6-10 lbs
  • Height: 8-10 inches
  • Characteristics: American Curl cats are recognized by their distinctive curled-back ears. They are affectionate, active, and known for their friendly demeanor.
  • Lifespan: 13-16 years

The American Curl cat might sound like the name of a movie or an Olympic sports team, but it’s the next compact cat in our countdown. This seventh-ranking in the Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World boasts a truly distinctive feature, as implied by its name. Unlike the Cornish Rex, it doesn’t have curly fur; its unique characteristic is its ears. Whether black, seal point or tortoiseshell in color, the American Curl’s somewhat stubby ears elegantly curl backward at the tips of its face.

Weighing between 6 and 10 pounds, this cat’s charming personality perfectly complements its ever-stylish appearance. Known for being gentle and friendly, it effortlessly blends in with adults, children, and other animal companions.

8. Cornish Rex

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 6-10 lbs
  • Height: 8-10 inches
  • Characteristics: Cornish Rex cats have a sleek, curly coat and are active and playful. They are known for their affectionate and outgoing personality.
  • Lifespan: 11-15 years

An extraordinary kitten entered the World in Cornwall, England, around 1950, instantly capturing the fascination of its owner. What made it so distinctive? Unlike its siblings, it had fur that appeared curly! This marked the inception of the Cornish Rex breed. Weighing in at 6-10 pounds, this cat is renowned for its short, wavy, white coat. The curly fur envelops an intelligent and amiable feline that retains its youthful spirit by staying active and fun-loving well into its mature years.

9. Japanese Bobtail

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 6-10 lbs
  • Height: 8-11 inches
  • Characteristics: Japanese Bobtail cats have short, bobbed tails and a lively, friendly nature. They are known for their vocalizations and social behavior.
  • Lifespan: 9-15 years

The Japanese Bobtail cat is ranked ninth on our list, a breed with a rich history. These small cats have left their mark on Japanese folklore and art for almost a thousand years. What distinguishes them from most domestic cats is their tail, or rather, their lack of one. Like the North American wild bobcat, the Japanese Bobtail sports an extremely short tail, but in contrast, their tail fur is notably longer than the rest of their coat. The outcome is an affectionate and highly “pettable” little cat, complete with an endearing puffball of fur!

10. Balinese Cat

Top 10 Smallest Cat Breeds in the World

  • Weight: 6-11 lbs
  • Height: 9-11 inches
  • Characteristics: Balinese cats are known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes and semi-long hair. They are intelligent, affectionate, and vocal.
  • Lifespan: 15-20 years

Weighing in at 6-11 pounds, the Balinese cat is on our list at number ten. These alluring cats also have a Siamese ancestry and share similar traits – but are packaged in long, silky fur that may grow two inches long. They can be a bit pushy and vocal, but they couple those traits with heart-melting adoration of their people. The traditional dancers of Bali are their namesake – very fitting for these graceful and beautiful cats.

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