Boston Terrier Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

The Boston dog breed is a breed of dog originating from the United States and has a very impressive appearance, active personality, and is especially very intelligent.


Boston Terrier is a great house pet and makes a great family friend. This breed dog is nicknamed “The American Gentleman.”

Here, will help you understand more about this breed.

Origin of the Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is also known as the Boston Bull, the Boxwood, or the Boston Bull. They originate from the Boston area, Massachusetts, bred small from the fighting dogs of the Bull and Terrier (terrier).

Boston Terrier Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

A Boston Terrier dog.

Boston Terrier weighing about 20kg is also known as Olde Boston Bulldogge.

The Boston dog is the result of a cross between two dog breeds, an English Bulldog and an English White Terrier.

In 1870, Boston Terrier was first shown at an exhibition in Boston; at that time, the breed’s color was unimportant. But later, in the 1900s, the coat color of Boston Terriers was noticed and regulated as standard colors.

In 1893, the Boston dog was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Physical characteristics of the Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is considered by everyone to be an active, strong dog, possessing a harmonious body, toned and attractive muscles. A Boston Terrier dog can weigh from 7kg to 13kg and height from 38 to 45cm.

The Boston Terrier’s head is square, flat at the top, has a broad forehead, and quite proportionate to the body. The muzzle is short, wide, and deep, shorter than the front area. The teeth are small and short. Large nose, well-defined nostrils, open, straight grooves.

Boston Terrier Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

The eyes are round and large with a dark color, and the ears are quite large and always stand upright; Thanks to this feature, the Boston Terrier has very keen hearing. The muscular toned legs look very strong, straight, and slightly spaced apart. Wide chest, arched neck. The tail is short, not cut short. The buttocks have a small angle; the width equals the waist belt.

The coat of the Boston Terrier is smooth and short. The coat is usually white, combined with black, brown, or brindle colors. There is a special thing that the coat of the Boston dog is never a single color; they always have a combination of at least two colors.

Boston Terrier Personality Traits

The Boston Terrier has an active, gentle, intelligent, and affectionate personality. It loves running, jumping, and playing, so you need to give it a comfortable space to play.

These “American Gentlemen” love children and adults very much. For strangers, Boston dogs are easy to approach, but they do not forget to be wary of them, giving owners absolute trust.

But according to, you should still take Boston to training and training schools to increase their suspicion and wariness towards strangers. The Boston Terrier is an intelligent breed of dog, making them very easy to train, and they are also highly responsive to their owner’s voice.

Boston dogs love to play with young children; they are very gentle and behave extremely well. Therefore, you can rest assured when you let Boston play with your little ones. You can buy toys such as balls, rings … for the children to throw for the dog to pick up and play together.

Boston Terriers are very intelligent and friendly, so they can get along with all kinds of domestic animals and even build a very good relationship with them. Besides, the Boston Terrier dog is also very obedient, never biting the furniture in the house,

As a docile dog, it can be kept indoors, but you still have to make sure the Boston is fully physically and mentally active; otherwise, these dogs will be prone to stress. The Boston dog needs polite owners but must be strict, or it will become stubborn and difficult to obey.

Health problems with the Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier has an average lifespan of about 15 years. A female dog can give birth to about 3 to 5 puppies, and due to the influence of the pelvis, 80% of them need to be delivered by cesarean section.

These dogs are very vulnerable to a bone in the skull that affects the brain. In particular, they are very sensitive to inclement weather, prone to drooling and snoring, and suffering from skin, heart, and eye diseases due to their large and protruding eyes.

Boston Terrier is very susceptible to allergies, deafness, and seizures. The skeletal system is generally relatively strong, with the exception of the kneecaps, which are prone to dislocation due to vigorous activity. Eyes that are also slightly poor can get cataracts. And one more important thing is that Boston dogs cannot withstand extreme heat and anesthetics.

How to take care of a Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier has a soft, short coat that is easy to take care of; you only need to bathe the dog 1-2 times a week in the summer, twice a month in the winter. Combined with bathing, regular brushing with a comb also makes the hair quite soft and shiny.

Due to the short and thin coat, the Boston Terrier cannot withstand very hot or cold weather. So at times like these, you need to pay more attention to your dog.

The Boston Terrier’s muzzle is short, so it must be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth to remove contaminants and food residue. Claws should also be trimmed as often as they grow.

Protruding eyes are a weakness of the Boston Terrier. They need to be checked and cleaned with dog-specific cleaning solutions. If necessary, take them to veterinary facilities to avoid unexpected events for your pet dog.

Due to the small pelvis, the birth of the Boston Terrier is very difficult. Therefore, when your pet dog shows signs of imminent birth, take them to the veterinary hospital for a cesarean section. This will ensure safety and limit risks during the birth of the puppies.

Additionally, your Boston Terrier needs to be fully exercised physically and mentally. You should try to spend some of your precious time walking or playing with them to relieve the stress for yourself and your dogs.

When the Boston Terrier is sick, you should not use miscellaneous drugs. It is better to take your dog to a nearby veterinary facility to be examined and prescribed medication with a reasonable dose and duration of medication.

Boston Terrier Food

The Boston Terrier has a small stomach, so they eat very little. You just need to feed them 2 meals a day in the morning and evening is enough. You can feed them more in the morning, and dinner should be a little less to reduce the risk of obesity in your dog.

You should let newborn Boston Terrier puppies eat many meals about 8 to 10 times daily. And the number of feedings will gradually decrease until 9 to 10 months, down to 2 times a day.

Boston Terrier dogs should not be fed immediately after walking or exercising. The diet should contain enough animal protein products.

Some essential food for Boston Terriers:

  • Fish: Be it sea or river fish, it should be cooked and skinned.
  • Meat: Minimum quantity – 40% of total food; 70% of the norm should be given raw, 30% – cooked.
  • Cheese: Essential for providing fat, especially for the first few years of a dog’s life.
  • Vegetables and herbs: Makeup 1/4 of the food need to be lightly crumpled and added to main dishes.
  • Eggs: For adult Boston Terriers dogs, boiled about 3 to 4 times a week. As for puppies, only take the boiled yolk only once a week.

The Boston Terrier’s snack should be a piece of apple to improve oral problems, which is very good for the digestive system. It is also possible to give the dogs dry food, some of which are specialized for this breed.

When feeding Boston Terriers dry food, you must provide enough clean water for the dog 24/24.

It is necessary to remove tubular bones from the menu and avoid some of the following foods to ensure a good digestive system for this dog:

  • Confectionery and especially chocolate.
  • Bacon, bacon, marinated meat, fat.
  • The spices are especially spicy.

Distinguishing French Bulldog and Boston Terrier

Because both breeds share the same lineage and are descended from the Bulldog breed, they also have some similarities in appearance. But between these two dogs, there are also different characteristics to distinguish:

French Bulldog Boston Terrier dog
A breed of dog with a slightly short height, most of them under 25cm. The legs are very large (relative to the body), short, and sturdy. Shoulders are very broad and wider than hips. The nose is flat and always upturned. The muzzle is short, flat, and the jaws are very strong. The upper lip is thick and droopy, covering most of the mouth. A breed of dog with a relatively tall can be up to 43cm tall. The long limbs of the front legs are parallel to each other, located below the shoulders; the elbow joints are pressed to the chest. The back has well-defined curves, and the hind legs are not straight. The lips are fleshy but not whole. Large nose, well-defined nostrils, open, straight grooves.
French Bulldog is a breed known for its sweet lifestyle. Affection is deep and requires little movement. A dog with a playful, lively, and intelligent life. You need to provide them with a comfortable, active living environment.
Updated: July 31, 2024 — 11:07 AM

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