How to care for Galaxy Rasbora fish

Despite their small size, Galaxy Rasbora fish are very healthy and rarely get sick. Living in good conditions means life expectancy can be up to 5 years.


Galaxy Rasbora fish is also among the mini aquarium fish, small aquarium fish that are easy to keep. If you have fallen in love with this extremely beautiful and attractive fish, do not miss the information on how to care for it, its characteristics, and choose the most nutritious food for Galaxy Rasbora fish.

In addition, also shares with you the experience of choosing to buy Galaxy Rasbora fish.

Origin of the Galaxy Rasbora fish

Galaxy Rasbora fish’s scientific name is Danio Margarritatus. They were first discovered in 2006. Found at the lake site near the foothills of Hopong town, about 30 km east of Taunggyi, Myanmar. In addition, the Galaxy Rasbora fish is also found in the waters associated with the Salween River that extends across the northern border of Thailand.

Characteristics of Galaxy Rasbora fish

The Galaxy Rasbora fish has a small and fat body. Especially on the body, there are small dots with sizes ranging from 2 to 2.5 cm. Despite their small size, they are very healthy and rarely get sick. Life expectancy can be up to 5 years if they live in good conditions.

The nature of the Galaxy Rasbora fish is also very gentle, even somewhat timid. They will often explore every nook and cranny of the aquarium. Besides, you can keep Galaxy fish together with gentle aquarium fish of the same size.

How to care for Galaxy Rasbora fish in an Aquarium

To prepare a suitable habitat for Galaxy Rasbora fish, you need to prepare a tank with a minimum volume of 20 liters of water. The ideal temperature is from 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. The pH is from 6.5 to 7.5 for the best fish development.

How to care for Galaxy Rasbora fish

Galaxy Rasbora fish.

Besides, in the tank can arrange more aquatic algae, aquatic plants planted in the ground. These plants will be a haven for the Galaxy Rasbora fish. At the same time, it is also a suitable environment for fish to breed; roe fish are also easy to stick on aquatic plants.

In addition, when changing water for Galaxy Rasbora fish, you should not use tap water directly. Instead, use water that has been allowed to settle for 24 hours. That will be more suitable for the Galaxy Rasbora fish.

Galaxy Rasbora Fish Food

Galaxy Rasbora fish is among the mini aquarium fish, freshwater aquarium fish that are quite easy to keep. They can eat various foods, from processed nuts to fresh and frozen foods.

The Galaxy Rasbora fish is small in size. Therefore, you should only feed them from 1 to 2 times a day with moderate food.

Raising fish Galaxy Rasbora, you do not need to worry about food problems. Because fish can eat processed grain food or fresh, frozen food. You just need to be careful not to overfeed the fish because of its small size. Only feed a maximum of 2 times a day with moderate food.

Experience choosing to buy beautiful Galaxy Rasbora fish

When buying Galaxy Rasbora fish, you should choose those with a well-proportioned body without many defects. In addition, watch the fish swim and choose to move quickly; the fish’s fins are not damaged.

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 11:49 AM

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