How to Train a Dog to Sit on Command

Have you ever tried to train your dog but didn’t succeed? Try the methods below to train your dog to sit on command.


Training your dog to listen to your commands is always a goal for pet owners. In the following article, will suggest how to train your dog to sit on command using a tool called a “Clicker.”

How to Train a Dog to Sit on Command

The Clicker is a training tool for dogs. When using the Clicker, the trainer presses the Clicker and rewards the dog with food to create an association. When this process is repeated many times, the dog will understand that it is being rewarded and will try to do everything according to the trainer’s command to receive its reward.

Teaching the Dog to Sit

  • Step 1: Give the Sit Command Stand close to your dog, about 1 meter away, then give the command “Sit” in front of your dog. Hold your left hand with the leash slightly raised to make the dog’s neck tilt up. Place your right hand, palm up, towards the dog so the dog can see the “Sit” gesture. The command must match the hand gesture raised simultaneously.
  • Step 2: Give the Lie-Down Command After completing the “Sit” command for the dog, continue by giving the “Lie Down” command while bending your body forward. Use your right hand to pull the leash close to your chest and lower it parallel to the ground. Repeat this process to make the dog “Lie Down” and “Sit” about 20-30 times.
  • Step 3: Increase the Distance In the following practice sessions, gradually increase the distance up to the full length of the leash, which is typically 10-25 meters. Once the dog is proficient, you can remove the leash and train with hand commands.
  • Step 4: Complete the Commands. Stand about 10 meters from the dog and say, “Sit,” while raising your right hand high. Extend your palm forward with your fingertips pointing up towards the sky. When you say “Lie Down,” lower your hand to hip level with your palm facing the ground.

It’s best to perform this exercise with the dog three times a week so that it gradually understands simple commands. To encourage your dog to perform better, you can use treats.

Training the Dog to Stay in Place

  • Step 1: Give the Sit Command. Call your dog over and give the “Sit” command. Wait about 3-4 seconds, then press the Clicker (a dog training tool) and reward your dog.
  • Step 2: Give the Stay Command. Repeat the same action, but this time, extend the waiting time for your dog to sit longer and patiently wait for the reward. You don’t necessarily have to reward your dog immediately after it performs correctly. Once your dog has practiced a few times and is more accustomed to waiting, you can start using the “Stay” command.
  • Step 3: Combine Sit and Stay Commands Once your dog understands and follows the “Stay” command, you can combine it with the “Sit” command. Specifically, you would say “Sit-Stay,” and the dog will maintain its sitting position. Gradually increase the distance from your dog while giving the command.

Take one step back every time you give the “Sit-Stay” command. If your dog remains seated, press the Clicker and reward it.

If your dog starts moving before you allow it to, immediately return to its original position and posture and start over.

Teaching the Dog to Sit and Wait Quietly

How to Instruct the Dog to Understand the Wait Command: use verbal language and actions to communicate to your dog that it should “Wait.” Then, step away and look back to see if the dog remains still. If the dog stays in its original position, you can reward it with food, petting its neck and shoulders.

How to Train a Dog to Sit on Command

*Note: Teaching the Dog to Sit and Wait for Patience is necessary when training a dog to sit quietly. Sometimes, they may not listen because they don’t understand what you want. In such cases, you should start the instruction from the beginning.

Teaching the Dog to Sit on Its Hind Legs Peacefully

Method 1: Place your dog in a sitting position facing you, with enough distance between you and the dog so that it won’t bump into you when the dog stands up. Hold the food close to the dog’s nose, allowing it to smell and follow. Slowly raise your hand upward, slightly tilting it towards the top of the dog’s head to make it lift its head. In this position, the dog will have to raise its hind legs off the ground.

As soon as the dog lifts both hind legs off the ground, press the Clicker and reward it with food immediately.

Repeat this action, raising the food higher each time before pressing the Clicker to make the dog understand that it needs to lift its legs higher. When the dog becomes more accustomed, you can use the command “Sit up” or “Hello” just before pressing the Clicker and rewarding it with food.

Method 2: Position your dog next to you, with its head level, with your left knee. Use your left hand to gently pull the collar upwards and push the dog’s tail straight back. Allow the dog to sit securely so that its hind legs and tail create a tripod-like position. Initially, you can use your left knee as support for the dog to lean against. Once the dog is sitting securely, slowly withdraw your knee and let it sit independently.

Method 3: Similar to Method 1, you use your left hand to hold the dog’s collar this time instead of pulling the leash up. Next, lower your hand to your chest or use a small stick to place it under the dog’s belly, gradually lifting the dog’s body upward. Position the dog’s front legs on your arm.

When the dog maintains its balance, slowly withdraw your arm (or stick), allowing the dog to continue sitting in that posture. You can move on to remote control training when the dog can sit securely without assistance.

Teaching the Dog to Sit Using Food

  • Step 1: Stand before your dog and hold the food in your hand just above its nose. Move that hand to the top of the dog’s head, positioned between its ears. As a reflex, the dog will raise its head to follow the food and lower its hindquarters to the ground. When that happens, press the Clicker and reward the dog with food.
  • Step 2: Move to a different location, and repeat the above action when your dog stands up.
  • Step 3: Repeat this action about 10-15 times. Instead of moving your hand above its head, move it to a different position the dog will follow. When the dog moves to that position, stand up straight with your arms crossed in front of your chest. The dog will notice your hand and sit down, waiting for the food.
  • Step 4: As soon as your dog sits down, press the Clicker and immediately give it food. Repeat this 10-15 times. Afterward, when your dog sits down, say the “Sit” command before clicking and giving it food. Repeat this 10-20 times. Practice this exercise daily until your dog understands.

Teaching the Dog to Sit to the Left or Right

  • Step 1: Use the Clicker along with food in your hand. Coordinate it to make your dog move to your right or left side. When the dog gets to your left (or right) side, press the Clicker and reward it.
  • Step 2: Repeat this action several times, then say “left” (or “right”) right after the dog arrives at your left (or right) side.
  • Step 3: Repeat this action until the dog understands and no longer requires the Clicker.

Training the Dog to Sit on a Motorcycle

Teaching the Dog to Maintain Balance First, sit on the motorcycle seat and let the dog stand or sit on the seat right in front of you. Use one hand to hold it firmly to ensure its safety and prevent it from falling off. Once the dog is comfortable sitting on the motorcycle, you can consider further training scenarios.

Teaching the Dog to Climb Onto the Motorcycle Independently When you want the dog to sit on the motorcycle, tap the seat, signal to the dog, and simultaneously hold the leash to pull it up onto the seat. Repeat this action multiple times until the dog is familiar with and understands your intention.

Having the Dog Sit on the Motorcycle While Moving After successfully training your dog through the first two steps, you can have it sit on the motorcycle and then take it for a ride. However, riding slowly is important to avoid situations where the dog becomes too excited and might jump off, posing a danger to both the dog and others on the road.

These are the methods for training a dog to sit on command, as compiled by We wish you success in training your dog!

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 9:58 AM

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