Home Dogs Norwegian Elkhound Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Norwegian Elkhound Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

The Norwegian Elkhound is known for their distinctive appearance, friendly disposition, and strong hunting instincts.

Here are some key characteristics and information about the Norwegian Elkhound.

Norwegian Elkhound dog origin

The Norsk Elghund is a curl-tailed dog breed from Norway. These dogs are considered one of the oldest dog breeds in Northern Europe. Many documents record that Vikings raised them. These dogs are bred for protection and hunting purposes.

In 1877, Norsk Elghund dogs were presented at the Norwegian dog exhibition. From here, they became famous and widely known throughout Europe. In the late 19th century, they were introduced to America and became popular. In 1930, they were recognized by the American Kennel Club. They later joined the American Kennel Club as the “Norwegian Elkhound.”

Physical characteristics of the Norwegian Elkhound dog

Norwegian Elkhound dogs are classified as a medium-sized dog breed. An adult hunting dog achieves:

  • Height: about 50 – 52 cm
  • Weight: about 20 – 23 kg

The Norwegian Elkhound’s head is quite round. The ears are small, triangular, upright, and pointing forward. The two ears are placed very close together, the ear lobes facing each other. The Norwegian Elkhound’s eyes are quite round, with the skin around the eyes slightly slanted. The skin above the eyebrows has wrinkles, and the eyes are far apart. The nose is straight and short, and the nostrils are small, round, and black. Jaws are developed with fully grown and sharp teeth.

Norwegian Elkhound dog.
Norwegian Elkhound dog.

The Norwegian Elkhound’s body is toned with almost perfect body proportions. The back is moderately long and very straight. The neck is short, close to the shoulders, the bones are strong, and the muscles are well developed. The lower body is developed and quite flat, with a broad posterior abdomen. Legs are of moderate length, proportional to the body. The legs are big, strong, and straight, and the feet are cylindrical and look very stable. Toes are even and full; toenails are slightly curved. The padded flesh under the foot is oval-shaped, very soft, and elastic. The tail has short hair, always curled and draped over the back.

The Norwegian Elkhound’s coat is quite short and soft. The hairs are small, thin, and quite smooth to the touch. Hair covers the whole body and between the legs of a hairy dog. The main coat color of the Norwegian Elkhound is white-gray-light yellow. Some dogs will be black-white-gray. Looking at their fur, there is not much difference in their color.

Personality characteristics of Norwegian Elkhound dogs

Norwegian Elkhound dogs are very independent and quite strong. With their nature as hunting dogs, they rarely hesitate or hesitate. They are highly decisive and quick-witted. Usually, they will perform exactly as originally intended and rarely change. These dogs are quite loyal and obedient to their owners. They need to be trained to control their independence. They will become calmer if properly trained.

Norwegian Elkhound Dog breed - Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Norwegian Elkhound dogs are quite friendly. They are a trusted friend of children. They treat their owners and family members quite well. They are loved for their high sociability and socialization ability.

How to take care of a Norwegian Elkhound dog

Taking care of a Norwegian Elkhound involves providing proper nutrition, exercise, grooming, training, and regular veterinary care to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some essential tips on how to care for a Norwegian Elkhound:

Proper Nutrition:

Feed your Norwegian Elkhound a balanced diet appropriate for their age, size, and activity level.

High-quality commercial dog food or a well-balanced homemade diet can be suitable options.

Consult with your veterinarian to determine your dog’s best diet plan.

Regular Exercise:

Norwegian Elkhounds are an active breed that requires daily exercise and mental stimulation.

Plan for at least 30 to 60 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as brisk walks, hikes, or playtime in a securely fenced area.

Engage them in interactive games and puzzle toys to keep them mentally stimulated.


Regularly brush your Norwegian Elkhound’s double coat to prevent matting and reduce shedding.

They tend to shed heavily during seasonal changes, so more frequent brushing may be necessary.

Bathe them as needed, but don’t overdo it, as frequent bathing can strip their coat of natural oils.


Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian to monitor your dog’s overall health.

Keep up with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm prevention, as your vet recommends.

Be aware of breed-specific health concerns and discuss them with your vet.

Affection and Attention:

Norwegian Elkhounds are known for their loyalty and desire for companionship. Spend quality time with your dog and provide plenty of love and attention.

Norwegian Elkhound dog lifespan

The Norwegian Elkhound is not rated highly for its health. Their health is just above average. However, they have a relatively high average lifespan, about 12 – 15 years. Norwegian Elkhound dogs often suffer from hip, neurological, or stomach problems. They need to be taken for regular health checks.

Norwegian Elkhound Dog price

Although Norwegian Elkhound dogs are very useful, they are not popular in the current market. Some individuals raised as pets have high prices, about tens of millions of dong. The exact selling price of this breed is not publicly available on the market. Dailypets.net will try to update your selling price as soon as possible!

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