Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahuas are one of the most beloved pets today. This breed attracts people with its small, lovable appearance and gentle nature.


Read the full article to find out why Chihuahua dogs are so popular.

Learn about the Chihuahua breed

Origin of Chihuahua dog

The Chihuahua (Chiwawa) is a small dog breed from the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It is considered one of the oldest dogs in the Americas, but it was known to the Chinese when they brought it to Europe at the end of the century 19. Since then, this breed began to be widely known and sought after by everyone.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahua dog classification

Chihuahuas are divided into two types, short-haired and long-haired. Long or short-haired Chihuahuas are equally valued. Chihuahuas are crossed with many different types of dogs, so their appearance may vary slightly, but their petite appearance cannot be lost.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahuas come in two types, short and long.

Chihuahua dog coat colors

Chihuahuas have many different coat colors, which are popular colors such as chestnut brown, light brown, steel blue, silver, and yellow.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahua dog appearance characteristics

Chihuahua dog is characterized by its small and lovely body. Despite possessing a small head, the eyes are large and round, with common colors being dark brown and dark ruby red. Chihuahua’s ears are large and pointed, and the muzzle is short. Chihuahuas have a fairly sturdy body that is longer than tall and always straight.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahua dog personality traits

Chihuahuas are very popular with their owners because of their affectionate nature, always expressing their feelings to their owners. Create a strong bond between owner and pet. Especially Chihuahuas are very clingy, require the attention of their owners at all times, and love to be petted.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahuas are extremely aggressive towards unfriendly strangers and will tend to attack them. Because of possessing sharp iron teeth and can bite back when provoked.

Reasons to adopt a Chihuahua dog

Chihuahuas are absolutely loyal to their caregivers; there is only one owner for them. Because of this, there are many cases where Chihuahuas will die shortly after their owner’s death. The absolute honesty with this owner is touching, isn’t it?

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

How to take care of a Chihuahua dog

Chihuahua dog food

You should find foods that contain a lot of protein, such as chicken, fat-free pork, heart, animal liver, and combine with starches and vegetables such as rice, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, …

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahua dog nutrition by stage

  • The first 2 weeks: when buying a new puppy: You should keep the old eating habits of the Chihuahua at this stage.
  • 3 months old stage: At this time, you should give your dog soft foods and divide them into 3-4 small meals/day. Each meal should provide foods that contain a lot of protein and fat.
  • Over 6 months old: With dogs at this age, you can shorten the number of meals a day; only about 2 meals is fine. However, the amount of food in each meal needs to be increased. This will ensure that the Chihuahua’s body is provided with adequate nutrients for healthy development.
  • The period from 13 months and up: You need to consider the amount of nutrients in each dog meal: Reduce foods high in fat and protein if your Chihuahua shows signs of being overweight. Besides, you should increase fiber for them by feeding them vegetables, …

Chihuahua dog care and hygiene

Chihuahuas have a very smooth coat, but you still need to brush them once a week and choose a comb with natural bristles.

Chihuahua Dog breed – Origin, Characteristic, Personality, Care

Chihuahuas don’t need to bathe a lot; bathing about 1-2 times a month is enough. When bathing, use dog shampoo and bathe with warm water. Do not let the Chihuahua get wet, so use a towel immediately after bathing.

Common Chihuahua dog health problems

Chihuahuas have small noses, often have respiratory problems, and need attention because the neck leash easily suffocates them.

Eyes that are too large make Chihuahuas susceptible to diseases such as lacrimal keratosis and secondary cataracts.

Chihuahuas have large heads, so when born, they must be supported by experienced veterinarians. Chihuahua’s bones are not fully developed, so the skull is concave; there is a soft spot on the top of the head.

Notes when taking care of Chihuahua dogs

The resistance of the Chihuahua breed is very poor when young, so it is necessary to be fully vaccinated to avoid intestinal diseases such as helminths.

Chihuahua dogs must exercise regularly to increase resistance and reduce the risk of obesity.

Note when buying Chihuahua dogs

To choose a healthy, energetic, and agile Chihuahua, you should buy a Chihuahua 2 to 3 months old or older to take better care of them.

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 11:04 AM

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