Campbell hamster information

Campbell Hamster has a small body, smooth fur, and funny gestures. This makes the Campbell Hamster one of the best house pets.


Let’s learn about this hamster breed with!

Where do Campbell hamsters come from?

Campbell hamsters were originally discovered in Mongolia in 1902. The first person to find these small creatures was named WC Campbell. Hamsters can also be found in northern China, central Asia, and parts of Russia.

In the wild, Campbell hamsters dig extremely deep burrows where sleeping, eating, and mating occur. The burrows are also used to hide from potential predators. The temperature inside these burrows remains cool, ideal for raising baby Campbell hamsters.

Caves can be quite complex systems, rife with vulnerabilities, and exist to be secure. This is part of why Campbell hamsters love tunnels and tubes when kept at home. At night, Campbell hamsters will go out looking for food, bedding, and anything useful.

Campbell Hamster Appearance and Color

The Campbell Hamster is very similar in appearance to the Winter White Hamster. Due to selective breeding, many variations of Campbell hamsters have different colors and thus create beautiful Campbell hamsters with a solid dorsal stripe on the back.

Campbell hamster information

Campbell hamster.

The distinguishing feature of Campbell hamsters is that the fur on their backs is darker, turning cream on the sides and becoming very white on the belly. Here are some common coat colors for Campbell hamsters.

+ Gray Campbell hamster

+ Hamster Campbell cinnamon color

+ Hamster Campbell albino (white)

Some notes about the appearance of the Campbell hamster

Campbell hamsters have red eyes, and this is completely normal.

Not all white hamsters are albino; they may just be lighter whites.

How to distinguish albino Campbell hamster and Winter White hamster

Campbell albino has cream-colored fur between its back and belly. Campbell hamsters remain the same color, while winter white hamsters have whiter fur in winter. Winter white fur is usually softer.

Campbell hamster behavior and personality

Campbell hamsters are nocturnal animals, most active at night. They will spend this time exploring, burrowing, running, playing with toys, and eating.

Campbell hamsters prefer gentle but timid than Winter White Hamsters.

How long do hamsters Campbell live?

Campbell hamsters have a short lifespan; this species is no different; they live from 1.5 to 2 years. Bear hamsters and Robo hamsters generally live slightly longer than Campbell hamsters. But this is not bad; the shorter lifespan can be much more suitable for first-time hamster owners.

How to take care of Hamster Campbell

Caring for a happy Campbell hamster is not too difficult; you just need to buy them a large enough cage and provide a balanced diet. The most important thing to take care of a Campbell hamster is the toy; the Campbell hamster loves to play, so you need

+ Wheels: Buy a wheel for Campbell hamsters because they run often.

Food: Campbell hamsters are the most diabetic of all hamster breeds, so you need to feed a mix of healthy quality food and fresh fruit but not too much sugar. Also, give your hamster some wooden chew toys because hamster teeth are constantly growing.

+ Food bowl: A food bowl will provide hamsters with food whenever they are hungry. Note that if you have more than 1 hamster in a cage, you must buy additional bowls to help reduce aggression and territorial disputes during meals.

+ Cage lining material: You need to buy high-quality cage lining material for the bottom of the cage to absorb urine and feces… these materials need to be replaced weekly.

Try cleaning your hamster’s cage once a week with a pet-safe disinfectant spray, creating a clean, bacteria-free environment and keeping your hamster happy and healthy.

Instructions for feeding Campbell Hamsters

Campbell hamsters often eat nuts, grains, seeds, vegetables, and insects. They like fresh fruit, but you need to feed it in moderation. Feeding a balanced diet is perhaps essential to caring for a hamster. Here is a more detailed guide on caring for a Campbell hamster.

Campbell hamsters expend a lot of energy at night, so choose a high-quality mix of protein and vitamins. They also like to eat insects, especially mealworms and dry worms.

Hamster Campbell feed mix includes seeds, mealworms, and other healthy treats.

How Much Should You Feed Your Hamster Campbell?

Hamster Campbell needs about one tablespoon of the feed mix per day. You can add fresh fruit, insects, and packaged snacks. You should note that Campbell hamsters are very prone to diabetes, so limit eating foods with a lot of sugar.

Can Campbell hamsters live together?

Campbell hamsters can live together, unlike Teddy Bear Hamsters; you can keep Campbell hamsters alone or in a group. When rearing in groups, it is best to divide by the same sex.

Common questions about Campbell hamsters

Are Campbell hamsters easy to care for?

Campbell hamsters are great little pets. Campbell hamsters are hardy animals and will only bite if they feel threatened. Campbell hamsters can be more difficult to care for because they are very active and fast.

Campbell hamsters are nocturnal, like the rest of the hamster family, so you’ll have plenty of time to bond with your pet in the evenings when most people are home from work. Try not to wake your Campbell hamster while it is sleeping.

Do Campbell Hamster Bites?

All hamsters bite, but only when threatened. So, when starting with a Campbell hamster, slowly build a close relationship with it and learn to understand the hamster’s body language. The cause of the bites is trying to lift the mouse from above. This mimics predator behavior, so always hold the hamster from below to avoid shock and bite.

Are Campbell hamsters safe for children?

Campbell hamsters are great pets for the whole family. As long as you are careful when handling it, there should be no problems. Campbell hamster care is suitable for slightly older children because Campbell hamsters are delicate and cannot be dropped from any height.

The dynamic agility of Campbell hamsters is much higher than that of bear hamsters, so without skills, it is difficult to take good care of Campbell hamsters. For children who are only observing, do not hug or hold this type of hamster.

Hamster Campbell biting each other, what to do?

The best way to avoid biting each other:

1. Should buy hamsters that have grown together or in the same litter

2. Or buy a bigger cage

3. Buy multiple food bowls, hamster wheels, and bedding to avoid fighting over a particular area.

When is the breeding time of Campbell hamsters?

Campbell hamsters will start breeding as soon as 3 months old. They are pregnant for about 20 days, and a female will usually give birth to 4-6 pups. Hamsters can indeed mate on the same day as the due date. However, this is not a healthy activity and should be avoided.

One of the reasons this hamster breed is so popular is because they are so easy to breed. The female will give off a distinctive scent to the male, which signals she is ready to breed. They usually signal every 4 days.

Just pair a suitable male and female; you will see a baby Campbell hamster after one month. Keep the pair separate from other hamsters and separate the male while the pups are still newborns.

How to distinguish Campbell and Winter White hamsters?

If you can’t tell if you’re keeping a Campbell or a Winter White hamster, keep an eye on your hamster’s body color. If there is a cream color between your hamster’s darker body and whiter belly, you are likely a Campbell hamster.

Conversely, if the hamster’s fur can change color suddenly, you are raising a winter white hamster.

Here are some other quick tests you can use to tell the difference between a Campbell hamster and a winter white hamster:

1. Campbell hamsters usually have thinner and lighter dorsal stripes

2. Campbell hamsters have a thinner appearance, whereas winter white hamsters have a rounder body

3. Campbell hamsters stay the same color everywhere, and winter white hamsters often turn white as winter approaches.

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 11:51 AM

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