Signs of a Cat about to give birth

Are you looking to learn about the signs of a cat about to give birth in order to care for and support your beloved cat in the best possible way?


In this article, we will examine the signs and symptoms of a cat about to give birth and how to identify when a cat is preparing to give birth accurately.

Signs of a Cat about to give birth

The cat is about to give birth.

Signs of a Cat About to Give Birth: Natural Signs of the Reproductive Process

When a cat is about to give birth, their body changes to prepare for birthing. Here are some common signs you can recognize:

Changes in Behavior

Before a cat is about to give birth, you may notice some changes in their behavior. Some cats become more lethargic and tend to seek quiet places to rest. They may become less interested in their surroundings and often choose a private place to prepare their nest.

Changes in Body Shape

When a cat is about to give birth, you can see changes in their body shape. Their abdomen will gradually enlarge and become rounder than before. This indicates that the cat is pregnant and preparing to give birth.

Changes in Appetite

A positive sign to identify a cat about to give birth is changes in their eating habits. In the late stage of pregnancy, cats may lose their appetite, eat less than usual, or even refuse food altogether. This happens due to the pressure on the cat’s stomach caused by pregnancy.

How to Identify a Cat About to Give Birth: Important Clues

Monitoring the Timing

Careful timing is crucial for identifying when a cat is preparing to give birth. Some cats may start changing their behavior and show signs a few days or weeks before giving birth. However, each cat may have different signs.

Observing Behavioral Changes

Observing your cat’s behavior is an important way to identify when a cat is about to give birth. Check if your cat is moving differently, eating differently, or resting more. A cat about to give birth will often seek a quiet and comfortable place to prepare for birthing.

Checking the Cat’s Abdomen

Checking your cat’s abdomen is another way to identify signs of a cat about to give birth. Examine the size and shape of the belly. If the cat’s belly is larger and more rounded than before, the cat is likely pregnant and preparing for birth.

Observing Changes in the Mammary Area

Changes in the cat’s mammary area can also indicate signs of a cat about to give birth. As the cat prepares to give birth, their mammary area may become larger and more sensitive. You can feel these changes when gently touching the area.

Signs of a Cat About to Give Birth: Preparations Before Birth

Before a cat begins birthing, they often exhibit specific signs to prepare for the event. Here are some common signs:

Seeking a Hiding Place

Cats about to give birth typically seek a quiet, safe place to prepare their nest. They may explore various spots around the house, such as closets, under beds, or inside wardrobes. Provide a private space for your cat and ensure it’s safe and warm.

Shedding of Fur

Before giving birth, some cats may shed more fur than usual. This is due to hormonal changes in the cat’s body. There’s no need to worry about excessive fur shedding, as it’s a natural and temporary process.

Restlessness and Discomfort

Cats about to give birth may become more restless and uncomfortable in the late stages of pregnancy. They may move around, pace back and forth, or continuously enter and exit their nest to check on preparations. Some cats may display signs of agitation, such as growling or meowing.

How to Identify a Cat About to Give Birth and Provide Proper Care

Set Up a Special Nesting Area

Set up a dedicated nesting area in a quiet, safe location to prepare for your cat’s birthing process. The nesting area should be made with soft materials like blankets or an old bed to provide comfort for the cat. Ensure the nesting area is clean and warm before your cat begins giving birth.

Monitor Your Cat’s Signs

In the late stage of pregnancy, closely monitor your cat’s signs and behaviors to identify when she is about to give birth. Observe if your cat appears anxious, moves frequently, or sheds fur irregularly. If your cat has gone past 65 days from mating and there are no signs of impending birth, consult a veterinarian.

Provide Proper Nutrition

Feeding your cat a balanced and nutritious diet during pregnancy is essential. Enhance your cat’s diet with high-protein and essential nutrients to support her and her kittens’ growth and health. You can consult a veterinarian to plan an appropriate diet for a pregnant cat.

Minimize Stress

In the final stage of pregnancy, cats are sensitive and prone to stress. Create a calm and comfortable environment for your cat. Avoid loud noises and stressful situations that may cause anxiety for the cat. Provide plenty of private space and handle the cat gently to reduce stress.

Support Your Cat During Labor

When your cat starts giving birth, support her and ensure a smooth process. Keep a safe distance and avoid interfering unless you notice any concerning issues. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with a veterinarian.


Identifying the signs of a cat about to give birth and providing proper care is essential to ensure the safety and health of the mother cat and her kittens after birth. By observing signs such as changes in behavior, body shape, and eating habits, you can recognize when a cat is about to give birth. Setting up a dedicated nesting area, monitoring the timing, and supporting the cat during labor are necessary steps for caring for a pregnant cat. Always keep this in mind and seek advice from a veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 5:13 AM

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