Robo Hamster information

Robo hamster is another name for Hamster Roborovski, or Roborovski (Scientific name: Phodopus Roborovskii), a mammal in the family Cricetidae, order Rodent.


Roborovski Hamsters are gentle and friendly with humans, so they are kept as pets and widely sold in pet stores worldwide.

The Robo hamster originates from where?

These small mice are the smallest species among dwarf hamster species. They have only been domesticated recently.

The British Zoological Society attempted to breed Robos in the early 1970s but was unsuccessful until they imported more hamsters from the Netherlands in 1990.

These Robo hamsters originate from the dry sand steppes and deserts in Northern China, Mongolia, South Tuva, and southeastern Kazakhstan. They were named to honor the first person who encountered them.

According to the documentary ‘Wild China’ by Bernard Hill, Robo dwarf hamsters were known to be able to run the equivalent of four human marathon races in one night.

Physical characteristics of the Robo hamster

Robo hamsters can be as short as 4 – 5 cm but reach 6-8 cm long. They are very cute, partly because they are so tiny. Adult Robo hamsters only weigh from 20 – 25 grams.

Robo Hamster information

Robo hamster.

However, their small size and fast speed make them harder to care for than other hamster types.

You’ll need to be very gentle when picking them up and putting them down; also, note that they won’t dart out of the cage when you’re playing with them.

Personality traits of the Robo hamster

Robo hamsters have a gentle nature, making them good pets. However, scientists are researching Robo hamsters and consider them untrainable because they might not try to bite you, but they aren’t accustomed to being held or cuddled.

Their small size and speed make them difficult to handle. Additionally, Robo hamsters are known as escape artists because they are active and swift runners that are hard to catch.

Robo hamsters usually avoid human contact, even when exposed daily from birth.

How long does a Robo hamster live?

In the best rearing conditions, the average lifespan of a Robo hamster is 3 years. Some have lived up to 4 years.

This period is slightly longer than average for other pet hamster breeds.

Baby Robo hamsters are weaned at about 19 days and become sexually active at 4 to 5 months.

Robo hamsters usually breed during the summer, with an average litter size of six.

Classification of Robo hamsters

There are several common types of Robo hamsters:

  1. Brown-faced Robo hamster
  2. White-faced Robo hamster
  3. Pied Robo hamster
  4. Platinum Robo hamster (Isabel)

These Robo hamsters have white fur and no stripes on their back.

Caring for Robo hamsters

Necessary items for Robo hamsters

Caring for Robo hamsters is similar to caring for other hamster types.

Robo hamsters need a specially secure cage with narrow bar spacing of about 0.5-0.6cm to prevent them from escaping. The ideal cage for Robo hamsters has a plastic bottom.

As mentioned above, Robo hamsters need plenty of space to run, so you should provide them with an exercise wheel.

Choose a comfortable and non-toxic bedding material, such as natural paper bedding.

Prepare specialized hamster food, and you can also provide some fresh fruits and vegetables.

Provide a water bottle for your hamster to drink water every day. However, you should change the water daily.

Food for Robo hamsters

The food mix should include various types of food processed according to a special formula for hamsters. Avoid using food mixes intended for other animals.

About 1 tablespoon of food per day is sufficient for each Robo hamster. Remember to clean their bedding every 2 days as they hoard old food.

Offer fresh food for your hamster 1 or 2 times a week. Avoid foods with high water content, like most fruits. If you provide fresh food, clean up their uneaten food daily to prevent spoilage.

Due to their desert origin, Robo hamsters can get diarrhea if they drink too much water, so it’s essential to provide a separate water bottle for them to drink water in an appropriate amount.

Robo hamsters are very social. So, as long as they are raised together from a young age, you can pair them with a hamster of the same sex.

However, when grown, male Robo hamsters are more harmonious together than female hamsters. If you’re keeping two or more together, make sure each has its own space with food, water, and an exercise wheel.

Some health problems of the hamster Robo

The Robo hamster is generally a healthy breed and rarely gets sick. However, they can experience a number of health problems and injuries from fighting, ticks, and diseases such as diarrhea and the growth of tumors.

If your hamster develops symptoms that do not improve after treatment, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

Robo hamster has many ticks

If your Robo hamster scratches a lot, it may have ticks.

You should be able to see ticks on your hamster’s fur. They will move at the base of the hair. They can also dig into the skin; biting a hamster’s skin can cause bald spots, scales, and scaly skin.

Tick treatment for hamster Robo

You can get rid of ticks on your hamster using anti-mite sprays and drops.

Also, clean and disinfect the cage and isolate your hamster from other animals if you have multiple hamsters. Ticks can be transmitted to humans as well as hamsters, so wear gloves.

If you don’t treat it, scabies can occur, and you must take the mouse to the vet for antibiotics and medication.

Hamster Robot with a wet tail

Wet tails are more common in baby hamsters and are caused by a variety of stressors.

Some causes include early exposure to baby hamsters, early weaning, malnutrition, and unsanitary housing conditions.

Stress stimulates the release of bacteria from within the gut, leading to diarrhea and dehydration. If your hamster develops this condition, take it to the vet right away.

Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and treatments for diarrhea and dehydration to heal your hamster.

*Note: Treatment of Robo hamster with wet tail must be done properly.

Spinning Robo hamster

Some desert Robo hamsters, especially the white-faced Robo, exhibit a balance disorder known as “spinning.” This inherited neurological defect occurs when animals are stressed or excited. It cannot be cured.

However, you can minimize the symptoms. Isolate your sick hamster from other hamsters and give it a safe, quiet environment.

*Note: If you cannot provide a Robo hamster with a safe, quiet life, consider not buying a Robo hamster.

Training to tame a hamster Robo

As mentioned above, desert robo-dwarf hamsters are considered hard of hearing despite their gentle nature.

However, you can make them more used to your presence, making life less stressful for both of you. Going through tame training has also been shown to reduce hyperactivity in Robo hamsters.

1. Train the Robo hamster to get used to the new environment

First, let your Robo hamster get used to its surroundings. Give it a safe, comfortable place. If it feels safe in its cage, don’t poke it with your fingers while it’s in there.

2. Let the Robo hamster take the initiative to get acquainted

Then let the hamster get used to you. Wait a week or so before touching it. Take the time to talk softly to it and be around.

3. Only play with the Robo hamster while it is awake

Robot hamsters are animals with naked eyes, so they will be most active in the morning, evening, or night.

4. Build interaction gradually

Use a different container to restrain your hamster while you are training it to tame it.

Do not baby hamsters that you can reach out to him to actively come to you.

Read your hamster’s body language. If it gets agitated, put it back in a safe location and try again. Feed them as a reward.

*Note: Training to tame a Robo hamster will not happen immediately, but it takes patience. Play with your Robo hamster every day. The more time you spend with it, the more tame the Robo hamster will be.

Common questions about Robo hamsters

Do Robo hamsters Bite?

Although Robo hamsters do not like human contact, they cannot bite. If they want to get out of your hands, they just run away, so Robo hamsters rarely bite people.

However, you should also exercise caution when dealing with any animals.

Do Robo Hamsters Need Exercise?

An important part of how you can care for your hamster is making sure they have plenty of space to run around, burrow, and climb.

Do Robo hamsters Smell?

Robo hamsters usually don’t smell; if they have a bad smell, it could be a sign that your hamster is sick.

For example, one symptom of a wet tail is a bad smell.

If you are sensitive to the sense of smell, you might consider a female Robo hamster instead of a male. Males have a slightly stronger odor than females.

Do Robo hamsters bite each other?

If you see Robo hamsters biting each other often, consider keeping them separate. If the fight continues after separation, you may need to take one or both to the vet to see if one is sick.

If you keep Robo hamsters together, watch for signs such as hair loss and timidity. Or a shy Robo hamster will constantly hoard seeds in its cheek pocket.

How to take care of a baby Roborovski Hamster?

In the case of a mother Robo hamster, give the offspring more food and vegetables.

A baby Roborovski Hamster will be born hairless and blind. So don’t worry. They will have vision and a coat within a few weeks. The care of the baby Roborovski Hamster is completely in the care of the mother hamster. You do not need to do anything until they separate from their mother.

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 11:51 AM

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